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medal 5000
11 years 201 days ago
We all often have to miss races due to work and other activities so only on that day of the race we are able to watch a replay of that race. Just a thought.
medal 5000
9 years 366 days ago

I second that (a year later I know...) I was unable to watch today´s race in 2D (Java´s caprice) and would really like to review it, think about it, if for instance you are a new player like me chances are you will never see a 2D race and decide whether you want to have it for the future or not, being able to review the races would also allow you to try to fix the knowed java issues...

safe races
medal 5000
9 years 310 days ago
I also think that a chance to review a replay of the races it's a very good optin.
I've already payed a game that we could see races replays...!

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