Peter Zwaneveld medal 5001 5 years 25 days ago
Wat probeerde je te doen?
Yesterday evening I was trying to get the perfect set up of the race (after yesterdays race). I found a good set-up and all the tyres only 1% damaged???.
Wat gebeurde er in plaats daarvan?
Now I look today and see the the set-up is totally wrong? and I have only 1 change to find a good set-up for both drivers???
Deed het probleem zich voor terwijl je wifi of mobiele data gebruikte, of bij beide?
Deed het probleem zich voor in de app, op PC of op beide?
Welk besturingssysteem heeft je PC?
Met welke browser zag je dit probleem?
Kan het probleem gereproduceerd worden?
give me back the 2x5 set-ups for both drivers
Bijkomende opmerkingen:

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 5 years 25 days ago
Has the weather changed?
If it was raining when you set up yesterday and is dry today or the other way around, that is why the settings have changed. If you only had 1% tyre wear I guess it was raining when you set up yesterday. As a rough guide:
Rain yesterday and dry today subtract 12 from the ride height and wing
Dry yesterday and rain today add 12 to both.
Ideally you need to be setting your car up as close to race time as you can to avoid this problem.
If you confirm this is the case I will move the thread to help & support. If weather isn't a factor here I will escalate to the iGP Team as a bug.
Thank you.

Peter Zwaneveld medal 5001 5 years 25 days ago
I don't know what the wetter was yesterday (can't see it now). today I see it is full sun
regards peter