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What is the best type of race?

What is the best type of race in your opinion?

34.48% (40)
1 Car (Active) League Race
62.93% (73)
2 Car (Active) League Race
0.86% (1)
(Active) Quick Race
1.72% (2)
Spectating another leagues Races
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medal 4937
4 years 357 days ago
Vote- I was interested.
Feel free to comment why you voted for what you did.
medal 5000
4 years 351 days ago
One car is ideal.
medal 5311
4 years 334 days ago (Last edited by Nelku Bobri 4 years 334 days ago)
I have 2 accounts racing in 2 very different league setups. So far this is what I have found:
1 car league's are best for short and fast races, its like a sprint to the finish. Trip up and it's over. With some races only being 26laps & 2.0 speed it's very difficult to make up lost time.
2 car leagues have increased driver options and race strategies, I find the challenge of using 2 cars trying different setups. Or working them together, chasing down the team ahead or to defend a position to be a fun challenge. 
I enjoy the strategies racing 2 cars provide compared to just having the 1 car racing, in longer races. 
I think having 1 car is best for short & fast track setups. Find a league with very active racers and its alot of fun. 

medal 5000
4 years 327 days ago
if it is really active then 1 car leagues as you get more manager in each race.
medal 4987 Moderator
4 years 326 days ago
Hard to decide. 2 car gives more tactical playground as it allows to form your own mini-train, build a block, sacrificing ones boost to help the other gain a few seconds and other games like that. 
1 car offers more fierce a challenge, as it allows more teams it's more likely you find yourself head to head with others, also it requires you even more to predict a race and get the strategy right as your car is on its own out there on the track.
medal 4937
4 years 313 days ago
Nice to see they all have at least one vote.
medal 5000
4 years 301 days ago
1 Car is Better imo
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