Willy Toledo medal 5000 4 years 331 days ago
I've been playing for a few weeks, and one of the things that have called my attention so far is the way the forum is administered. For one thing there is this small technical flaw of the titles of threads having a ridiculously low characters limit that makes really hard to choose an appropriate and clear title. I guess this is not a grave problem and maybe it's not even solvable with the current forum, but really, was that important to keep titles SO SHORT? What would be the horrible consequences of allowing a few more characters?
Anyway. Another thing I do consider way worse is how quick threads are considered solved and closed. The moment a thread has a couple of answers and/or a day passes, every thread is closed (every one I started anyway), leaving no chances to really discuss the deeper aspects of the game. So again I ask: is it SO URGENT to close every single thread in one day or two? I'd understood why you wouldn't want 3 years old threads being bring back but geez, would somebody die if a discussion on fundamental gameplay mechanics stayed open for like a week or two, giving people who can't post every single hour time to contribute, and if not encouraging, at least allowing some thourough discussion?
The game doesn't seem to be the most popular in the world, and info about it isn't abundant nor very accesible on the internet, imo it's not the best idea to put obstacles to newcomers who may have a lot of questions and won't probably have even the chance to clarify their doubts about some answer when ONE user posts it before a thread is closed. I don't think the info is very well classified and organized even in the sticky guides, where you need to browse an entire thread, scrolling irrelevant answers.
TBH, the flaw that most likely could make me quit this game is not about the game itself, it's the forum management making difficult for me to learn to play the game.
Account One medal 5000 4 years 331 days ago
Try all of the Purpose made guides maybe?
Darek Speed medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago
Do you think that without a forum you can't learn to play? There are guides just for new players. There are videos on you tube showing how to play. The forum is for expressing opinions, for exchanging opinions. But not to learn the game.
Willy Toledo medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago
Try all of the Purpose made guides maybe?
Even if they explained 100% of the game, making completely impossible for 100% of players to not understand absolutely anything about the game, which they do NOT, that wouldn't be the point.
Do you think that without a forum you can't learn to play? There are guides just for new players. There are videos on you tube showing how to play. The forum is for expressing opinions, for exchanging opinions. But not to learn the game.
So the HELP & SUPPORT forum is not for receiving help and solving questions and doubts, it's for expressing opinions.
Ok dude.
Darek Speed medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago (Last edited by
Darek Speed 4 years 330 days ago)
It serves as help and support. But not to win races, but to help if you have a problem with the game. Once again ... the forum is there to help you when you have a problem. If you want to know how to play, look for guides. I'm on the phone now. When I get home I will send you a link to a nice guide. There you have everything very well explained. and you won't even have to check the forum.?
Only change league please. In this game you can learn a lot watching how experienced players do it. There are only two of you in your league. You won't learn anything by racing with a bot. Choose a league with many players. It is better to take 8th place playing with people than to win with a computer.
Willy Toledo medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago
I've read a couple of guides. Which, btw, it's almost as many as there are on the forum, iirc. They helped me, but they don't explain 100% of the game nor are valid for 100% of situations. There are no guide for no game that explains 100% of the game, allowing you to read it and just like that knowing 100% of what there is to learn about the game. Not if the game is relatively complex anyway. And if among the functions of this forum it's not helping new players to learn how to play then it's the first time in my entire life I see something like that. And I've been playing all kinds of games for quite a few years. Look at Steam forums: they're full of threads where players ask questions about gameplay, and many other players answer. And they're not closed 24 hours later. Just look any official forum about any game: a big part of them it's about helping new players and answer questions about gameplay. I don't even know why I'm explaining this, it's so obvious for anyone who has played a couple of videogames.
You're right about my current league being abandoned. After one season I wanted to join another one, and some kind fellas invited me to join theirs, but all players were many levels above me and I chose to wait a bit more; during the current season, some guys have been expelled from my league due to inactivity. So yeah, this will be the last season I'll play in this league. But this doesn't have nothing to do with my suggestion.
Darek Speed medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago
Your problem probably comes from the fact that you are comparing this game with others. And it can't be done. Such a game is only one and unique. It is not possible to get to know any game 100%. This one too. The basics are known to everyone. I don't know what you expect That someone will advise you how to win? That is not possible. There are too many variables here. The track situation can change dynamically. Even if you win a race on a particular track, on specific tires, it does not mean that if I advise you on this tactic, you will win the race. That is why you cannot advise 100%. Everyone has to decide how to ride, which is why it is so important to watch experienced players. You made the biggest mistake playing with bots. You lost time. There are many players in this game who play for a year and still can't play. Precisely because they did not deal with people. The computer is predictable and does not respond to the track situation. You won't learn anything by playing against him. You have to play with people. Thousands of people have learned from the others and played. And you don't know what you expect? I read one guide and it was enough for me to learn how to play this game. I have been playing for 2.5 years. Now I play with a second account, I have level 13 and I drive against level 16 and level 17, and there is even one level 18 and you know I get points? Thanks to the game with high level players, you will quickly increase your experience and learn to play. I see you are afraid to play with other players. Probably because you won't win. You have the wrong approach, you don't always win. Just like in real races. If you're afraid to play with people, maybe you better stay in your league and win all the races.
Willy Toledo medal 5000 4 years 330 days ago
Yes, this game is "only one and unique", and that's why it's the only game I've ever seen in its official forum you can't discuss gameplay, only "exchange opinions", and that's why every thread is closed a few hours after it was open... Which is what my suggestion was about, not your advice to git gud.
I'll drop it here, there's not much more to discuss.
Frank Thomas medal 4979 Moderator 4 years 329 days ago
You do have a point with the Solved autoclose, that's why I often give threads in Help more time before I mark them even though the question at hand is answered in my eyes, but the thing is that the tag is also there as information for users and other mods, so it can't be too long. But how the thread start is written has a big effect. A single question is quickly 'solved', something making clear it's hoped to spark a discussion will remain open longer.
I'll ask in the support team Discord how they think about adding a 'Discussion' tag, though. It could help keeping those threads open longer and with some luck encourage even some players to voice their view as its showing that a post doesn't have to be that definite answer to a problem.