Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 78 days ago (edited 13 years 74 days ago)
Hi there,
Because of license issues we can\'t use the \'official\'-sponsor names. But it would be great to have the option to alter the names and logos for your own league. Maybe with some restrictions but wouldn\'t that be a option? :)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
I think the developers were looking into this before.
Most people use something like the \'real\' logos etc for their teams.

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
Why don\' you use names of websites?
For example: You can use the name of my website (
www.F1-geschiedenis.be) and I will put a logo on my front page to enter this game.
I have done this allready with another game (you can see the logo on my frontpage, on the right).
So you make this game with a great future more available I think....

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
I will be very interested in what Jack thinks of that idea.
I\'m sure a lot of us could use websites that we work in/with/on
But I do realise their might be \'legal\' restrictions or something.

Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
Ofcourse we need to take care of the legal restrictions. It would be be solved if the league-admin controls the logos. So if there is something wrong with the \'logo-pack\' the admin can restore the default logos or change the logo regarding the issues.

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
How can there be legal restrictions with a website (If you have an accord with that website offcourse)
For example: My website will be a sponsor here and IGPmanager will be a sponsor on my site. There can\'t be a problem I think. But you can\'t take for example \'Goolgle\' as a sponsor, you have to take websites from people that are playing this game or having interest in this game. You can see at the websites how many pagevieuws the site has!! Because a website wih 10 pageviews every day, you can\'t make promotion for this site.
PS: My website had app. 300.000 pageviews every year and I hope it will be near 500.000 next year, because I have a new lay-out and a lot of updates every day. And offcourse: the theme of my site is .... Formule 1!!!

Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
I totally agree, but you need more then just websites. The legal issues I\'m referring to are the people that will use, Google, Ferrari and so on. You need to take care of that in a simple, but effective, manner. Websites (or permission from the sponsor) are no issue at all. :)

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
I agree! But I think it is better for this game that you use only websites as a sponsor. So you gain a lot of free publicity for the game and more people will come to play this game.

Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
I\'m not totally agreeing on that one. The Free publicity is great, but \"F1-Geschiedenis.be\"-tyres or something like that seems to be a bitt odd. But if the leagues can alter the sponsors themselves it is up to you, to change it to whatever you want. :)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 74 days ago
Sorry to burst the bubble on this one - It won\'t happen any time soon. This would require a complex system of moderation and communication, which is all time. There are better things to spend our time on than having different sponsor logos when there are unfinished aspects of the game to build.
There\'s nothing wrong with the idea, it\'s just one of those logical decisions that we would be better off investing time elsewhere.

Niels Tieman medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
I can totally understand your opinion on this. But if it\'s on the wish-list it can\'t be a bad thing. :)

Jos Van Aken medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
Sorry to burst the bubble on this one - It won\'t happen any time soon. This would require a complex system of moderation and communication, which is all time. There are better things to spend our time on than having different sponsor logos when there are unfinished aspects of the game to build.
There\'s nothing wrong with the idea, it\'s just one of those logical decisions that we would be better off investing time elsewhere.
It was just an idea

Gareth Brett medal 5000 13 years 73 days ago
Maybe with enough support this could happen, i play another game which has decals, its a simple system really... Although, it might not be, and it isnt based on a real life object... however, i could suggest if this were to happen, that people could start up a \"company\" which you would spend some money to start, and you could spend money to upgrade its features. (so for engines, you could upgrade fuel economy and reliability etc. just like you do with staff and drivers, but you\'d pay a price aswell.)

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 13 years 73 days ago
Well, when the game is making shed loads of money then they can employ somebody just to do that job :)

Jack Leslie medal 5000 13 years 73 days ago
Well how about adding a few more sponsors? :) There are quite a limited number maybe 10 or so more would make it abit different for each team?

Joey Zyla medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
Well how about adding a few more sponsors? :) There are quite a limited number maybe 10 or so more would make it abit different for each team?

Joey Zyla medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
I agree! But I think it is better for this game that you use only websites as a sponsor. So you gain a lot of free publicity for the game and more people will come to play this game.
*buries face in hands*

Gareth Brett medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
When i said paay for them, i mean with the virtual money... just to get that straight...