Patrick Majetić medal 4969 4 years 299 days ago (Last edited by
Patrick Majetić 4 years 299 days ago)
Hello Eduardo,
We don’t try to be a F1 copy, it would be very boring, the same team winning and winning again or a fight between the best three teams.
Why remove the refuelling option? That wouldn’t remove a lot of strategies? I wait for your reply. ?
But it could add new strategy options becase tyre wear and grip will be more important. With refueling, strategy is oriented more on fuel consumption, which means that 2 stop in 50% race distance will always be a winning one. Without refueling, you can try one stop strategy with harder tyres (S-M) or two stop with softer tyres (SS-S-S)
I don't think forcing "no refueling" rule and "2 compounds" rule is good idea, I think that players should choose will they have those rules in their league