Crignon Nicolas medal 5000 13 years 104 days ago
in wet track the hard tires lost 10 seconds per laps, but if the track dries, in 1 or 2 sectors, the wet lost 30secondes per laps comparted with the hard tires.
I think it is no good.
I think the hard tires can lost more second in the wet track and the wet tires lost less seconds in the dry track.
how do you think ?

Dion Caesar medal 5000 13 years 99 days ago
I totally agree. Wet weather tires would be a lot slower on a dry(ing) track, but not 30s.
The other way around, dry weather tires can be more than 20s a lap slower in the rain, because there is No grip left at all.
So I agree :-)

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 99 days ago
I agree too, I\'ll improve this during the next couple days.

Bty the Quick medal 5000 13 years 98 days ago
On a side note, it would be nice to implement tire temperatures. A wet tire on a dry track would get very high temperature and the wear would be excessive. The same goes for dry tires, a hard compund would lose temperature before the soft in wet conditions and thus require an earlier pit to avoid losing time with cold tires.
It would be an added tactical decision on pit timing.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 98 days ago
This should actually be happening already although the difference might be too slight. I\'ll have a look over this and improve it.

Bty the Quick medal 5000 13 years 97 days ago
Any chance we can get a feedback on tire temeratures on the screen?

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 97 days ago
You can already, it\'s displayed as the colour of the tyres on the car graphic bottom centre. Blue = cold, grey = ideal, red = hot.