Що Ви намагалися зробити?
During the race, when tires needed to be replaced, my pilot went to pit stop to replace the tires
Що сталося замість того?
But they have not changed the need, that is, it was necessary to move from software to soft, and as a result it passed on wet
Проблема сталася за використання wi-fi, мобільного інтернету, чи обох?
Mobile data
Помилка була у додатку, у ПК, чи в обох?
Яка модель Вашого пристрою?
Huawei y7 trt-lx1
Яка операційна система Вашого пристрою?
Який номер версії операційної системи?
Android 7.0
Чи можна відтворити помилку?
I do not know how it works, but it was already three times, today wet, the first time SS, the second also SS, during the pit-foot was selected software, but it still changed on the SS (for the second time it was, today wet, the first time SS, the second also SS, during the pit-foot was selected software, but it still changed on the SS (for the second time so it was), and it is very inresting on my strategy.
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P. S. Sorry for my English)