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Discontinuing manual promotion and Requests for relegation to lower categories

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medal 5000
4 years 311 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 4 years 168 days ago)
Manual promotions :

As of 18 April 2020, we are no longer going to manually promote managers that are in a lower tier due to the lack of a promotion zone.

This is due to the number of requests we receive growing steadily since we began offering this service. We are not overburdened with these requests, however, we are stopping now so the Support team can keep their focus on providing Support on higher priority tasks.

Any managers who are seeking to be manually promoted are recommended to try searching for a different league where they may be able to find themselves promoted to an upper tier.

Managers who experience an issue where they are not promoted at the end of a season in a tier where the promotion zone is enabled and present, will not be affected by this change.

Managers who are seeking to be manually relegated will not be affected by this change.

Requests for relegation to lower categories :

For requests for relegation to lower categories, managers will have to wait until the end season, as relegation to lower categories leads to a development of the car that is superior to that of the category.
This way, it will be the same for everyone in the league and nobody is disadvantaged.

The support team iGP Manager


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