Someone on the forums wrote about the importance of each design points that suggest that there's 4 main design points you must gain first. and at one point at my former league, the best acc design point suddenly maxxed out in just half of the season (before main update, and at that time they ran 15 races calendar). I used that ”gain the main design pts” strategy (especially acc) ever since, and it never fails me. the question is rely on whethere there's a correlation between the design pts. it seems not and pretty sure that what it makes the acc design pts so easy to impacted to the cars.
what if we cannot gain the design pts easily? example: I can't just maximize my acc pts if there's not much handling and braking pts to tolerate the bhp. and if I design it blatantly like that, the presentation of crashing or out of track is more probable.
or maybe replace the design point to something that's not to direct. ex: aero is gaining for added 50% of downforce, 30% of handling, and 15% of acceleration and 5% of reliability. electricity is gaining for added 50% of reliability, 30% of handling, and 20% of acc. so the 8 design point should be made as an output
hope this will spark some discussion and the game development in the future.