With new race window has become hard to follow the race because the big circle near the name of the selected pilot and the window of selected pilot is too big and cover all the screen. because of these huge dimensions it's impossible to see when the other players uses the kers or are in drs zone because the aforementioned window are right ahed the kers bar and drs signal and when the car (or one of the aformentioned signs) passes on the big circle, it disappear completely (like in the screen of my last race).
This means that is impossible to react in time when the other pilots uses the kers, expecially when this happens just before the drs zone.
My suggestion is to return at the old race window, or to delete the indication of the choosed pilot from the center of the screen and in particular the big circle near of it and to sign the choosed pilot with a white circle around the picture of the pilot (like the circle around the car on the track) cleaning the race window of useless informations, like those in the big circle, that are yet in the pilots windows below.