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Modifying 1 car to 2 cars leag

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medal 5000
4 years 285 days ago
Our Host cannot modify 1 car league to 2 cars league.
Need your help how to do it.
medal 5272 Community Manager
4 years 285 days ago
Hello Sak,

That option isn’t available, it could generate problems related to more managers than slots, more drivers than slots, etc.

If your host want he can create a new league and ask to the managers to move to the new one.
medal 5000
4 years 284 days ago
Oh okay,
Thanks jose
medal 5000
4 years 284 days ago
this causes problems with the number of leagues doesnt it?
to leave as host you need to give league to someone else, if all active drivers go to new league then the league stays open with inactive drivers in.

others will join then leave when they realise its a dead league but the joining and leaving keeps the league active when it should be closed.

we need option to delete leagues ourselves and change all aspects of a league, number of races,duration,amount of cars and so on.
medal 5272 Community Manager
4 years 284 days ago
this causes problems with the number of leagues doesnt it?
to leave as host you need to give league to someone else, if all active drivers go to new league then the league stays open with inactive drivers in.

others will join then leave when they realise its a dead league but the joining and leaving keeps the league active when it should be closed.

we need option to delete leagues ourselves and change all aspects of a league, number of races,duration,amount of cars and so on.

Hello Dan,

Feel free to suggest it on the subforum! Meanwhile I just have you my advice. ?
medal 5000
4 years 283 days ago
Can't you just kick everyone before leaving
medal 5000
4 years 283 days ago
you can but the league stays active as you can host a league without being in it.
medal 5000 Moderator
4 years 283 days ago
But not for long as an empty league will be deleted soon, also the (new) host could password protect it to avoid anyone entering it, but even if not it only appears in the suggestion list in extreme cases if the game finds no other more populated ones to fill that slot.
An option to delete would be nice but would be very low on my priority list. It sounds easy enough to do but then how about some disgruntled host trying to just delete his well populated league after loosing championship on penultimate race? Checks and considerations about stuff like that and it suddenly isn't that easy anymore.
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
it may not be a priority, but it seems it should have been something introduced ages ago.

i get that someone could get angry he isnt winning but he could just kick everyone out so that makes no difference.

im not asking for them to add this right now as there are much more important things that need changing but its another to add to the list of changes needed to put this game back to a game we play rather than one we just think we are playing.

limited choices clearly push us all in the same direction where as choice gives us all the chance to play the game we want.
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