Villu A medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
Tried IE, Opera, FF and Chrome, nothing. Race ruined. :(

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
Sorry about this. I cant see any reason from the logs why you shouldn\'t have been able to get in. I checked a few races after I got your message and I could see them ok. How long did you spend trying to get in? I take it quite a while if you went through a few browsers?
What did you see? A white/grey/black screen, or something else?
Did anyone else have this problem?

Renato Lipi medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
It seems my race is right now stucked at 10th lap.

Villu A medal 5000 13 years 77 days ago
Well, I clicked 2D button, but it opened livetiming[ http://www.upload.ee/image/1924517/igp_progress.JPG (picture is illustrative)], like i had misclicked, address bar though said 2d trial. Then I logged in/out multiple times with every browser. All mighty computer restart \'\'helped\'\'.

Villu A medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago (edited 13 years 75 days ago)
Again! Is this problem really in my computer? Now after reboot it says I have used my last trial.
EDIT: . Just when i need to make changes in my strategy, it just won\'t let me. 2 races in a row...

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 75 days ago
See this post:
It\'s likely that the notification was not showing up that all slots are taken.

Villu A medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
Ok...But i still lost my trial. Could I have it back?:)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 75 days ago
You didn\'t lose a trial. If it said you did it was just the incorrect notification.