Aaron M medal 5000 11 years 124 days ago
On tracks, like Spain, Europe, e.t.c., is there any other way to cool down your tyres, apart from back off? Like develop really good internals, or something I don't know, but if you have any tips, other than back off, I'd like to know!
Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 124 days ago
Aaron, backing off is the only way.
With regard to tips, it's not a good idea to get them hot. You will go even slower trying to cool them.
Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 124 days ago
How do you no they r hot??
Carlos JK medal 5000 11 years 124 days ago
tyres with 35% wear and back off cool more rapidly.
Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 124 days ago (edited 11 years 123 days ago)
You know they are hot because they start to go red.
Once the tyres start to get down to 35% wear, they begin to cause the car to go slower
Fernando Blanco medal 5000 11 years 123 days ago
Oh i thought that was wear