Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 153 days ago
i think it would be good if a team could have an extra driver which can be used for testing or as a loan driver and can be used by any team of any level, however the driver would still be owned by the original team. abit like the football loan system

Victor Cereijo medal 5000 11 years 153 days ago
''abit like the football loan system''
That is not a football game, is an F1 game ;)

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 152 days ago
I know that but it was the first thing i thought of to compare it to

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 152 days ago
People do this with a 2nd account.
If you have a lower team. You can put your driver in that and test / train them up..
If you want them back in your main team. Shortlist the driver. Sack them from the 2nd team and get them to your main one..
All you need is another e-mail address.

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 152 days ago
But Its difficult to do if the driver is too high a level