Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Ah, I didn't know it was out yet. I'll see if I can get it somewhere.
Terrible release timing, together with Rush, but even worse is the title, which will be hard to Google ;p

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Looks interesting. Will have to look out for it.
I am glad that safety seems to be the big issue with a lot of these films now. A documentary on BBC a while back had a bit of film about a driver getting burned to death in his car as another driver stopped and tried to help him - he kept getting pulled back by the 'safety crew'. I couldn't watch - it was so horrendous.

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
I watched this last night and that crash you are on about is on it. (and a lot more crashes.)
Even up to the Senna crash, I was just about ok up to that point and then blubbed like a little girl.
It's 20 yrs next year that we lost Senna and I've seen the film doc around 100 times and it still gets to me. I was 16 at the time and I still remember everything that went on that day. I ran back from my mates house after seeing it and as soon as I got to the side gate, my Dad was in the garden and told me that he died. I dropped to my knees and sobbed my heart out.. He was my hero... God knows what it was like for the older guys who lost drivers week in, week out... Esp Graham Hill, Jackie Stewart and Co who lost mates all the time.
It is worth watching though.

Gary Collyer medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
is it coming out on dvd or being showed in UK anytime soon?

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
It's already out.
Rush is a film with actors portraying 1 season, This is a documentary about mates who lost mates week in, week out and the safety aspect of F1. They can not be compared to each other.