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Develop has decrease a lot, help!

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medal 5000
11 years 150 days ago

last season every 48 hours i have all my car parts developed between 8% and 10%.

This season i have incresed the number or designers and something strange, at least to me, happened. The time between car parts development is now about 3, 4, 5 and 6 days to some parts.

How is it possible?

I hired a better designer chief and more designers (total of 108). The top possible of develop of my car parts is about 89%, and now the most developed part is about 70%. I have the research set to 100% for next season. And the last season i only spy one part (chassis), that is now the least developed part.

I guess i have describe all important information about it.

Could anyone explain me why is this happening? is it normal? Do you ever expirienced the same situation?

for now i am thinking that my next season is completely ruined... 

thank you
medal 5000
11 years 150 days ago
Hi Ricardo,

Development time is dependent largely on two things:
[*]The design level of your current car's parts (the percentage)
[*]The number of designers assigned to each part.
If your current car's parts are low level, your development will be rapid, but as your current car's parts improve, development slows down, and you must assign additional designers to a part to update it within two days. At the low end, 10 designers might be enough, but at the high end it can take as many as 40.

In my experience, 40 designers is always enough to update a part every two days. As a guideline, if I want an update to a part at the next available opportunity, I'll assign about 40% as many designers as the percentage level the part currently has. So for example, if I'm updating a part that's currently at 50% design, 40% of 50 is 20 designers.

Also remember that a part can only be updated every two days (, Design section, bullet 2). I always try to take this into account when designing, so I know what I have now and what I'll have as the season progresses, and into next season.

Hope this helps.
medal 5000
11 years 150 days ago
Yes and no. Yes this help me to  understand waht is happening, and no, it won't help me get a better car next season (just kidding).lollol

so if i can predict well, i will have next season a far worst car than this season. am i right? in this season i have a car about 70%, for next season i guess i will have someting about 30% or 40% in general design level.

i haven´t the Test Rig and Wind Tunnel facilities. will this facilities make a difference or i barely notice the improvements when i get them?

Thank you James Young for your time, and your help, you have clarified me alot.

medal 5000
11 years 150 days ago
Do people actually read the guide and rules of iGP?

When your design gets closer to the 'maximum performance', it will take longer to get new parts and the % Increase will be less. This is to stop certain teams dominating consistantly over multiple seasons.
medal 5000
11 years 150 days ago
TBH, I've had the Test Rig and Wind Tunnel for so long that I can't actually remember how much it affects development. I do remember there is a difference in each of their individual settings, and as such it is best to leave them both set to Very High Testing Time, but I don't remember how each compares to not having either facility.

I'm something of a nerd, so I have a spreadsheet that maps out data for all of my races. I can look up what setup I ran on the car on a given day, and what the weather was and such. One of the sheets in the file I use to map out my design updates for the season. It helps me visualize the state of both my current car and my next car, and I can plan and balance the development emphasis accordingly.

The time you can spend developing each car is also largely dependent on how often you race. If you're racing every day with a one day break between seasons, that only gives you 18 days to develop, but if you race three times a week, that gives you minimum 37 days of development time (36-day season + 1 day break). If you race three times a week, it's possible to build your current car to 100% by the end of every season, but you sacrifice a bit the next season.

You really have to decide how you like your cars to be, and then work that around how often you race and how competitive you want to be. (Do you want to fight for the championship, or are you okay with only the occasional chance at a race win, or just consistent points?)

To Bradley's point, I do find the game guides are in serious need of updating. They're a bit hard to take in as a novice, and in terms of integration with the meat of the site, they're largely invisible.
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