Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 141 days ago
When the qualifying results are in progress, I always spam the F5 button on my Keyboard in anticipation of a good result. Instead of this, could it be possible to actaully see qualifying take place? I mean in F1 2013, there is a one-shot quali system where each car has a lap etc. I think that if you have 2D, you could be able to watch a quali lap. It's just an idea.
Also, how is qualifying done? I have had some thoughts but I don't really know how it's calculated.

Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 141 days ago
3.5 Qualifying
[*]Qualifying runs automatically 10 minutes prior to a race
[*]You can not manage your cars during qualifying
[*]The chosen tyre compound for stint 1 will be used for qualifying
[*]Qualifying is conducted on low fuel with tyres at optimal temperatures
[*]DRS and KERS are not permitted for use on qualifying laps
[*]Each driver gets one qualifying lap on a clear circuit

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 141 days ago (edited 11 years 140 days ago)
I think coding a system to 'watch' qualifying is just not something that can be done in the short term. It might be something that is on the 'to do' list but probably only when the game has made bucket loads of cash and can employ a whole team of developers. As with building new tracks.
Anyway that is only my opinion and I am probably wrong (as usual).

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 141 days ago
It won't too make much sense. How would you be able to watch qualifying, when it is obvious that in coding side it's not made the way that every driver has visually empty track on their lap. If it would be so, in 32 car league qualifying would obviously take more time than 5 minutes. Even it is that cars are driving with 20 sec starting gap to next driver and lap would take 1 min 35 seconds for example, then qualifying would take about 95 secs + (32*20sec) = 12 min 15 seconds and that is calculated without warm-up or pitting laps. For that said, I think seeing qualifying is not that important, specially if you can't do anything. It is more important to me, that qualifies don't take too much time so I can make my setup just 15 mins before the race and gaming won't take too much time from my afternoon that way.

Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 141 days ago
It was only a suggestion :p I wasn't saying it was a must.

Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 11 years 140 days ago
Is the driver speed,health and morale important by qualifying?

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 140 days ago
@Chaz -thats ok
The whole point of the forum is to generate ideas as well as help people.
Please don't stop posting ideas as your suggestion is something I actually agree with - but it just isn't possible. Qualifying is just a number crunching exercise atm.
I don't really know but I would assume all those stats are part of the final equation that decides places.