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My cars are not repaired

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medal 5000
11 years 106 days ago
This is the second consective race It happens to me (and really annoying because I'm fighting to go to Elite).

I have enough engineers, and enough money. First time  thought was my fault, but this second race I checked my configuration, I had enough engineers, enough money, and saved all. Setups was saved, but not the refits.

If this happens me again I will lose the second place of this champ for sure because one more race and my car will be unusable, in last race almost retired and lost lots of positions because of damage.
medal 5000
11 years 106 days ago
Esteve, I have just had a look at your account & they are correctly saved now.
medal 5000
11 years 105 days ago
Thanks for check it! :)
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