Ruman Ahmed medal 5000 11 years 140 days ago
It's entering it's third year and Is already under threat!!!!
I mean it's a really nice and challenging track in F1 and it's sad to see it not being there for 2014
What u guys think?

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 140 days ago
Well if a country with 1.2 billion people can't sell half the seats for their Grand Prix, maybe it's not really for them, regardless of the reason.
India is a country under construction though, I think they'll have another go at it later.

David Blundell medal 5000 11 years 140 days ago
Yeah India China & Korea and previously Turkey really haven't been supported by the locals because theres is not a large motorsport culture there. F1 is only there for their sponsors sake, and the government of said countries wanting the 'status symbol' of holding an F1 race.

Vinod Maskeri medal 5000 11 years 139 days ago
I don't know the reasons for not to includ Indian Gp for 2014 from FIA..I'm just assuming that organiser are not interested as it's organised fully by privete sector Unlike Singapore Gp where Government has 50% share...sadly apart from first race it's failed to create any buzz and profit and without profit private Organisers won't be interested to host races...Indian Government and Sports ministery has to come up and start to support F1 as Its a most viewed sports after Cricket and soccer in India imo