Hello Joao,
I have spoken to a developer who says that the bug you experienced was purely visual. The unintended use of KERS, didn't actually use any; the drop in percentage you saw was due to your initial click.
This issue can be caused by a slight delay between you pressing the KERS button and the server response, if you release the KERS key before the server response, the KERS can appear twice, but it is only visual.
I'm not satisfied with this answer.
1. Sometimes the kers appears twice, sometimes not. Why? I imagine the server should always respond...
2. Even if we have an explanation, that's not a good thing to see from the user point of you. I don't care if you say to me that it's not used more boost than the expected.
And I have also doubts about the consequences in a race. I remember that I lost a DRS in a strange way after a first short tap (and a second long very very close). Apparently the second one started very late.
But, at the moment, they are only doubts.
(I won that race, so I'm not crying for the lost DRS)
ANYWAY, another visual bug, the team solved the tires visual bug during a pit stop, not allowing the manager to modify the strategy in the last few seconds (VERY BAD SOLUTION) and then it added another visual problem. I can only say: "THANK YOU"
Sounds like a bunch of bullshit. This problem never existed in the old race viewer. Just get back to the old race viewer. These devs have broken the game and keep breaking it everytime they touch it.
In the old app, you never saw the first boost icon like in the video. You saw only the second one and not always, exactly like now.