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Premium Subscription and Multi Accounts

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medal 5000
11 years 101 days ago

With your new week long offer for premium i am very interested in subbing, however i would like the subscription to go onto this account which is not my original account and does not share the same email addess as my paypal account.

So i would like to know if there are any issues to stop premium going onto this account (because of the email addresses not matching) and if there were any issues  would i be able to get the sub moved over to this account.

Thanks in advance.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
11 years 101 days ago
Hi James, thanks for your interest. There are no issues with purchasing multiple accounts from one PayPal account, and it doesn't matter if the account email address is not the same as your PayPal email address.
medal 5000
11 years 101 days ago
Thanks Jack for the quick reply and the reassurance.

Just subbed and it worked perfectly, like you said it would. :)
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