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Pit locking strategy on/off.

Add an option to turn the pit locking strategy on/off?

66.67% (74)
33.33% (37)
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medal 5000
4 years 230 days ago
Hello everyone,

I've created this poll because I felt that it would be very useful for the player to be able to turn the pit locking strategy on/off.
For me this addition only increases the uncertainty and randomness that is every race, and has not added anything useful whatsoever.
I think anyone would rather have complete control over what happens to their cars in the pit lane than ZERO control at all, I know that the pit locking won't be removed (just look at the 100% facts from other players about the VSC and flags being TOTALLY USELESS in this game that has not resulted in anything, yet anyway) so I ask for an option for it to be turned on and off, maybe somewhere in the advanced strategy section.

Does anyone agree or have any extra thought about this subject?
Thank you.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5135
4 years 218 days ago
I believe this solution was implemented because some Players changed tyres or Fuel when the game is not going to apply because it was already entering pits (or, at least, too late to change anything).

I liked the update because now there's no doubt if you decided too late or if it was a bug. I think there's still the bug that changes the amount of liters that you want to put in the car, even if you push the '+' or '-' button in-game, but we'll check that next weeks.
medal 5000
4 years 230 days ago (Last edited by Shaun Jackson 4 years 230 days ago)
I 100 percent agree with you. I dont see any benefits in the pit stop locking system, a few races now i been caught out as ive got one eye on the pitting driving looking at their fuel and whether it needs lowering in the pit stop as ive used less fuel than predicted. Then another eye on my other driver changing push level and making sure I'm in drs. There's even less time now to change tyre or fuel before pitting and its just frustrating and not realistic to f1 rules either. 
medal 5000
4 years 228 days ago
I can see why it has been added and I'm not entirely against it.
I had some issue when changing tyre at the last minute while in the pit (displayed I had inter when in reality I had Med... in the rain) so this adresses that I suppose. 

Personally I think it triggers way too early as it is.
I was on the final turn of lap 52/53 I was going easy as I did cut it close on the fuel (my bad really). And out of the turn right next to the pit lane, PIT!, locked! There went my P3. Now I'm in pro so it wasn't the total disaster it could have been in most Elite leagues where it is super close but still, I was pretty frustrated yesterday!  

For realism I'm all good with not being able to change tyres at the last second maybe? Like you have those tyres in the heating pads out and ready to roll you can't just go back in and bring some others but adding / removing fuel should still be fine or at least should still be an option until later into the pitlane?

I did vote yes even though I'd be fine with having it tweaked some. Something like enter pit, tyre choice locks, then a bit later Fuel locks, maybe?
If it's an option I don't see why anyone would choose to lock it as it gives more flexibility not to. Or if you don't lock it and change tyre while in the pit lane, you take a "penalty" (like 5 extra sec on your pit time?) while they go get those tyres.
Maybe adding a visual cue somewhere?

Of course this is only my 2nd season playing and I am still learning but maybe one of those could be an okay compromise. I might be less used to it than most though. I also only manage 1 car and I'm still making silly fuel mistakes so it might be more of an issue in 2 cars leagues.
medal 5000
4 years 223 days ago

Hello everyone,

I've created this poll because I felt that it would be very useful for the player to be able to turn the pit locking strategy on/off.
For me this addition only increases the uncertainty and randomness that is every race, and has not added anything useful whatsoever.
I think anyone would rather have complete control over what happens to their cars in the pit lane than ZERO control at all, I know that the pit locking won't be removed (just look at the 100% facts from other players about the VSC and flags being TOTALLY USELESS in this game that has not resulted in anything, yet anyway) so I ask for an option for it to be turned on and off, maybe somewhere in the advanced strategy section.

Does anyone agree or have any extra thought about this subject?
Thank you.

I think is to increase difficulty on the game...
medal 5135
4 years 218 days ago
I believe this solution was implemented because some Players changed tyres or Fuel when the game is not going to apply because it was already entering pits (or, at least, too late to change anything).

I liked the update because now there's no doubt if you decided too late or if it was a bug. I think there's still the bug that changes the amount of liters that you want to put in the car, even if you push the '+' or '-' button in-game, but we'll check that next weeks.
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago
After playing with this pit locking feature for a while, I 100% feel that it should be removed completely and please just give us back control of our cars in the pits. 

We want playable factors, not something that is out of our hands!
Thank you.
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago

I believe this solution was implemented because some Players changed tyres or Fuel when the game is not going to apply because it was already entering pits (or, at least, too late to change anything).

That was not the reason. This was implemented just beacuse there was a visual bug showing the wrong tyre when you changed preset tyres in the pit lane. And instead of fixing the visual bug, they just sorted it out locking the stategy as you enter the pit lane.

So if you no longer have the chance to change strategy in the pit lane, the visual bug no longer has a chance to pop up.

Ingenious...  ?
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago
Hmm, In the open letter your released recently talking about the frustration of the players about the new updates, one of the lines quoted 

"You might be surprised to learn that I agree with most of the criticism. They are fairly accurate assessments of the issues we need to address, and we will address them."

I fully applaud the letter being so honest and open with us, but it doesn't seem to like its current promises are being fulfilled. 70% voted to have an option to turn pit locking on /off. I know only 57 players voted out of i dunno 10 times the amount of managers we have but 70% is a big margin and should be taken into account. Maybe an idea is to have a polls on the home screen, like when newsletter/blog or new updates come out so more managers will vote and get a better sense of the overall opinion on managers. There still bugs in pit stops and leaderboard during races to. ?‍♂️All im asking is for you to listen to the managers more and then everyone wont be so frustrated. Thanks
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago
yes important polls to the community on the home page would be good
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago
Can pits only be 3 sec
medal 5000
4 years 218 days ago

Can pits only be 3 sec

Nah let's make it 3 minutes long
medal 5000
4 years 217 days ago
No at least as long as a formula one pistop
medal 5000
4 years 217 days ago
Can pits only be 3 sec

Why currently F1 pit crews can done a pit stop in 2.5 secs to 3 secs?? It's because they only need to change tyre (Refuelling was banned at the end of the 2009 season as part of efforts to reduce costs and increase safety). In the game, the pit crew needs to change tyre and also refueling so it needs to take 4 to 5 secs. So I don't think the times of pit stop in the game should adjust shorter because it will make the game more unrealistic.
medal 5000
4 years 217 days ago

Can pits only be 3 sec

Why currently F1 pit crews can done a pit stop in 2.5 secs to 3 secs?? It's because they only need to change tyre (Refuelling was banned at the end of the 2009 season as part of efforts to reduce costs and increase safety). In the game, the pit crew needs to change tyre and also refueling so it needs to take 4 to 5 secs. So I don't think the times of pit stop in the game should adjust shorter because it will make the game more unrealistic.

How about we have no refuelling that we need to put race litres ourselves
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 217 days ago
Hello all. 
Please can we try to get this thread back on the original topic of "Pit strategy locking."
If you would like to discuss refueling, feel free to create a new thread. 

Thank you. 
medal 5000
4 years 217 days ago
Nice to hear someone from the igp team, great feedback on the subject ??
medal 5000
4 years 217 days ago

Nice to hear someone from the igp team, great feedback on the subject ??

medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 216 days ago

Nice to hear someone from the igp team, great feedback on the subject ??

Thank you, although I do detect some sarcasm in that message.

 This thread has been marked as rejected (not by me) so that may be why there has been no official response, as whoever marked it, has made their opinion clear at the top of the thread.

medal 5002
4 years 187 days ago
Well pit locking just cost me several points when in a championship race! I switched to inters but it seemed to lock at 130R at Suzuka and didn’t process it. Shame this thread was rejected!
medal 5088
4 years 168 days ago (Last edited by Yunus Unia Blunion 4 years 168 days ago)
Well pit locking just cost me several points when in a championship race! I switched to inters but it seemed to lock at 130R at Suzuka and didn’t process it. Shame this thread was rejected!

I don't pop into the Suggestions forum, but passed through out of curiosity.

I think I may know why it locks at 130R, I'll ask the devs if maybe we can be more aggressive on how late the pit options lock there. Obviously it's nothing we can expect to have fulfilled anytime soon, but seeing if it's a possibility means it could be potentially adjusted in the future.
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