John Leo medal 5000 11 years 132 days ago
How do I gauge how I compare my team to the rest of the league members? Is there any way to directly compare my car to the cars of others? Or compare facilities/staff etc?

David Seward medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
You'll never know what facilities they have but the best you can do is to "spy" on the opponent to find out what the design levels of the car they are using has. This is useful so you know to stay competitive and/or have your car be of similar performance.
You should mostly be concerned about what level other managers are. Since you are new with 0 races, I would try and find a league that has lower level players. It's highly unlikely you'll find a perfect league with all beginners. You might not win immediately in your first league if other players are of higher level and their drivers have been trained over the course of 50+ races. I would snoop out the other team's staff to figure out what they have. Look at their drivers, and read League News to find out what they're up to.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
That's an interesting suggestion David.
I would advise joining an established league, with lots of managers in it. Most people are willing to help & you will get to see what the better players are doing & can copy them.