Ali Bratt medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
you should be able to buy/sell drivers to other teams or be able to auction them

Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
I have had this in mind for quite a bit. It's not a bad idea and you could have an auction house like on FIFA where you can sell drivers for a certain price.

David Blundell medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
The problem with that is once you get past the first few seasons, there is no shortage of money. The whole economy of the game would have to be much tougher for auctions to work.

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
I was thinking about this yesterday, but I thought of it like keep it the same for drivers without contracts but you could send a offer to Someone for a driver they have contracted to them.