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Races statistics on both profile and team profile out of sync including driver stats

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medal 5000
11 years 95 days ago
Somehow, my races statistic on my personal profile says that I have completed 101 races whereas on my teams races statistic, it says that I have completed 102 races. Also, one of my drivers has done 102 races for my team, and he has also done another 1 race for another team but it says that he has only done 101 races. I'm a bit confused with it all
medal 5000
11 years 95 days ago
This is a result of races being reset.

The lower number is correct & the higher number indicates that you have been in a league where a one race had to be reset. The same applies to your driver.
medal 5000
11 years 95 days ago
Ah right, cheers Andrew.
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