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Co robi strzałka na treningu?

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medal 5000
4 years 215 days ago (Last edited by Maciej Pawełka 4 years 215 days ago)
Dodali jakąś nową strzałkę na treningu i nie wiem co robi.
 Już wiem do czego służy jak pisałem post to jeszcze nie działała.

Best Solution -- Selected by John Doe

medal 5079
4 years 199 days ago
with the new update the arrow pressing the button changes different colors (3 if I'm not mistaken) and the percentage of the training changes them, if first to bring the pilot to 0% by pressing the button 5-6 times now with a single touch it goes to 0  %
medal 5079
4 years 199 days ago
with the new update the arrow pressing the button changes different colors (3 if I'm not mistaken) and the percentage of the training changes them, if first to bring the pilot to 0% by pressing the button 5-6 times now with a single touch it goes to 0  %
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