Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 11 years 130 days ago
Not if they are outside the 28 day trial limit. With 40 races you will most certainly be outside that limit. I've improved the message so you should have a clearer explanation why the trials can't be used.
You're right. It just says 7 remaining but you can't use them. Should probably be removed to stop a bunch of people asking then, I bet more people will start bugging the devs about it XD
aparece isso no 2d ''You have 10 trials of the 2D viewer remaining'' e quando eu clico aparece isso ''Your trial period of 28 days has expired, Subscribe to unlock 2D access
You do not have permission to access this viewing option.''
Jack Basfordmedal 5239 CEO & CTO 11 years 129 days ago
You're right. It just says 7 remaining but you can't use them. Should probably be removed to stop a bunch of people asking then, I bet more people will start bugging the devs about it XD
Yeah, I've updated the message to be reflected properly across the site now.