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New team joining league

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medal 5002
4 years 186 days ago
We had a new level 16 team join our league last year. First six races were very average he won one and finished outside top 3 in the rest. He then missed 3 races. Came back and won every race by massive margins and maxed out his big four development 3 races before anyone else. We have some very good drivers in our league and we even ran strategies to catch him out. He was consistently faster than us with more fuel no drs and soft tyres to our super soft, we manage the tyre temp through corners and on straights. Everything about it was just so suspicious. I understand that there are fantastic drivers out there. I just can’t add any of it up? Only thing I can think of is he saved those points from races so his spies worked double to keep his car semi competitive. He didn’t allocate those points after race but changed research type to maximise potential points if this makes any sense?
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 186 days ago

Only thing I can think of is he saved those points from races so his spies worked double to keep his car semi competitive. He didn’t allocate those points after race but changed research type to maximise potential points if this makes any sense?

That is precisely what he did.

medal 4870
4 years 186 days ago
is there any way to check this out and see if its actually happening??
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 186 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 4 years 186 days ago)
Not unless the manager is prepared to share his car design race by race. But if I were a betting man I would wager a great deal of money that this is what happened.

It used to be a strategy a few years ago when changing leagues resulted in an awful design. To avoid relegation managers would not assign any dp until three quarters of the way through the season in the hope of grabbing a few points in the final few races.
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
How do you manage a situation like this? Potential to happen again this season? Now that I’ve pretty much had my suspicions confirmed a lot of people in the league in private were in agreement with me. Do I raise the issue somewhere else too?
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
Hello guys.
I hope to be useful to tell you about my experience. I hate these situations because they make it almost useless to follow live when huge gaps are created, although I admit they are deserved thanks to a better interpretation of the new development system.

It is right that the development has its importance, but I find it wrong that this is related to the number of races missed, I like that everyone goes out on the track to win the individual races and that every single race is fought and you press the right balance between development and management manager skills.

In my league I have imposed a maximum of 20 unassigned DPs. I have introduced an external referee (a friend who does not play in the league) and if I suspect that someone is holding more than 20 unassigned DPs I ask him to send the development and research screenshot to the external referee.
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 186 days ago
Thanks Gian.

As you can see Maximus it is almost impossible to police this and relies on the cooperation and the honestly of the managers in the league. Gian and I are both Mods and I know Gian has raised this very issue with the devs but they are busy people so I don't believe there are any plans to "code" a rule to prevent this.

Also, some hosts don't have a problem with this, they see it as a legitimate strategy which is available to everyone in the league. So even if a rule preventing it from happening were to be implemented there would be complaints from some areas. The only solution to keep everyone happy would be a rule that could be enabled / disabled by the host. 

But IMO if the devs are going to hard code rules into the game I think a higher priority would be a host selectable two tyre compound rule.
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago (Last edited by Road Runner 4 years 186 days ago)
I’m guessing one way of combatting that would be to have a 1/2 day inactive rule like the top leagues do? We already implement a 2 tyre compound rule but that had no effect on the said strategy.

Saying that if he’s online changing his research from race to race to maximise returns makes it irrelevant. I think I will speak to host about having an external referee like Gian advised.
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago (Last edited by Gian Michele Pisanu 4 years 186 days ago)
I recognize that it is a somewhat risky rule, not all managers would agree to send their car to an external referee. But I was lucky enough to have wonderful managers in the league who agreed to want to balance the importance of development with the importance of managing the race, in order not to suffocate everything from the development strategy in which the first races are snubbed . If I have to say it all, it is the third season that applies this rule and I have never asked anyone to have the car checked, because I never had a chance to suspect.

The double compound flattens the strategies, especially in particular periods of the year where there are several winning strategies with race lengths less than 100%.

It is only a personal opinion, but perhaps, compared to the two tires, it is more useful that the host is given the possibility of choosing how many DP can not assign at most. I say this because if a league has managers who do not follow all the races, it is right that they have the opportunity to assign many points when they can be active (I take the reasoning from a correct opinion of Gert Rose).

If, on the other hand, a league eliminates the inactive after a few days, it would be nice that it could also adjust the maximum of the DP not assigned for each race, to mitigate the problem we are talking about here.
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
What’s to stop all drivers doing the same and not assigning their points for a few races surely this would eliminate the sudden gains or even them out? They can still attend and likely race will be just as close.

At what point does it overstep the mark and become cheating and not just playing the system/rules that exist?
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
just add a max points earned through spying, once reached it wont go up that way it stops ppl saving mass points
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
What’s to stop all drivers doing the same and not assigning their points for a few races surely this would eliminate the sudden gains or even them out? They can still attend and likely race will be just as close.

At what point does it overstep the mark and become cheating and not just playing the system/rules that exist?

Your right Matt, I was wrong he wasn’t cheating and was abusing the rules really. I worked it out straight away but I don’t want to race like that, wasn’t just me there was a few others too. What if you have half the league doing it and half not? Think of all the gaps in racing, the retirements. Also if he’s telling us we are all bad managers and  making mistakes every race and he’s not doing anything different to us when he’s clearly not. At what point do you not want to win every race and just turn up to change research around to extort the game?

medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 185 days ago
Hey guys.

Who remembers the Brawn double diffuser in 2009?

The point I make is that whatever your views, the rules are what we all have to work with. So if some managers are better at exploiting these rules, good on them. Isn't that what the likes of Adrian Newey and Ross Brawn have done for decades?

If iGP change the rules, the best managers will still work out how to gain the most advantage.

Just my opinion, so feel free to shoot me down... LOL
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
You are totally correct however you compare this game to a multi million pound sport whereby people jobs are on the line, thus they will do whatever it takes to pick the rules apart, throw the rule book in the bin just for a marginal gain.This game is not that in any form.

No disrespect but whenever I come on the forum and read all you need to do is use a spreadsheet this, simple calculation that it just really turn me off the game. The more complicated a game gets the less people can win it. 

I would say the vast majority of people playing do so for the fun/banter or the challenge of an achievable goal. If the goals become unachievable people will lose interest.

Maybe we could round up all the ‘best managers’ and put them all in leagues where they can go to the nth degree to get a win and thus leaving the more casual player to enjoy their leagues in peace.

Also Max I don’t know you however you must be a top manager in your league with your win record. Surely one of the things that differentiates you and the other level 20 managers in your league are the marginal gains you take advantage of, that maybe others don’t. I love your dreads BTW. ?

I also enjoy your posts on here Kevin.. very insightful 
medal 5083
4 years 185 days ago
В прошлом году к нашей лиге присоединилась новая команда 16 уровня. Первые шесть гонок были очень средними, он выиграл одну и финишировал за пределами топ-3 в остальных. Затем он пропустил 3 гонки. Вернулся и выиграл каждую гонку с огромной прибылью и превзошел свои большие четыре гонки развития 3 перед кем-либо еще. У нас есть несколько очень хороших пилотов в нашей лиге, и мы даже разработали стратегии, чтобы поймать его. Он был постоянно быстрее нас, с большим количеством топлива и без мягких шин для наших супер мягких, мы управляем температурой шин через повороты и на прямых. Все в этом было просто так подозрительно. Я понимаю, что есть фантастические водители там. Я просто не могу ничего добавить? Единственное, о чем я могу думать, это то, что он спас эти очки от гонок, поэтому его шпионы работали вдвое, чтобы сохранить свою машину наполовину конкурентоспособной.

Может ли эта идея помочь с незаконными настройками?

medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
Kevin you are one of the few English moderators (perhaps the only one) who I respect, however, I know that you cannot admit many things. do you want to know why so many managers keep playing? they do it for the community, many small friendships have been created that keep this game alive otherwise it would have been dead for a year. their excuse is that they are a small team but the reality is that they don't know how to solve problems. How much time has been lost behind the yellow flags that have now been deactivated? How many requests have been made to fix bugs from the community that have not been heard before? they have modified the auto development removing importance to the desaign points this is the problem. and those who tried to give advice (even in a non-calm way) have been banned and even they cannot do this since I write from a banned account. to get back on the subject it is not nice to see managers who have not played for 14 out of 15 games to win the last race and save themselves while a manager who plays every game is unable to score points because he does not use this type of system bug. the solution would be to put a cap on the stored desaign points but it is not in their capabilities.
medal 5083
4 years 185 days ago

Kevin you are one of the few English moderators (perhaps the only one) who I respect, however, I know that you cannot admit many things. do you want to know why so many managers keep playing? they do it for the community, many small friendships have been created that keep this game alive otherwise it would have been dead for a year. their excuse is that they are a small team but the reality is that they don't know how to solve problems. How much time has been lost behind the yellow flags that have now been deactivated? How many requests have been made to fix bugs from the community that have not been heard before? they have modified the auto development removing importance to the desaign points this is the problem. and those who tried to give advice (even in a non-calm way) have been banned and even they cannot do this since I write from a banned account. to get back on the subject it is not nice to see managers who have not played for 14 out of 15 games to win the last race and save themselves while a manager who plays every game is unable to score points because he does not use this type of system bug. the solution would be to put a cap on the stored desaign points but it is not in their capabilities.

Может ли эта идея помочь с незаконными настройками?

medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago

What’s to stop all drivers doing the same and not assigning their points for a few races surely this would eliminate the sudden gains or even them out? They can still attend and likely race will be just as close.

At what point does it overstep the mark and become cheating and not just playing the system/rules that exist?

Your right Matt, I was wrong he wasn’t cheating and was abusing the rules really. I worked it out straight away but I don’t want to race like that, wasn’t just me there was a few others too. What if you have half the league doing it and half not? Think of all the gaps in racing, the retirements. Also if he’s telling us we are all bad managers and  making mistakes every race and he’s not doing anything different to us when he’s clearly not. At what point do you not want to win every race and just turn up to change research around to extort the game?

The best and smartest managers copy the stratagies that are the most succesful. If half of the league would be doing that. At some point the other half of the league would do it as well. So everything evens out. In the old IGP you used to design your car for this and next season. Some people always concentrated on their next season car so they could have a headstart, but their current season car would suffer. When this happened, other people did the same to combat this. While in other leagues this strategy was not used. Therefor people didn't have to switch to this design strategy. As you can see the best and smartest managers always and always have copied the best stratagies. In the end it always evens out. That's why I'm not a fan of 2 tyre leagues (I've raced in one for a year). After 3 seasons everyone knows the fastest strat for all tracks. Everyone uses that strat. This makes it no difference to a 1 tyre league. 2 tyre league could work if you use 2 different tyres for every track every season. But even then at some point the fastest strat will be discovered which everyone will use.
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