Banana Boxx medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
What I am trying to suggest is after you pit, you can change the push rate of your driver(s). So if you were pushing hard with hard tyres at Malaysia say and then you pit with five laps remaining to softs and you want to push if you planned. This would be best for Free To Play members and for those if they do not have a computer, but an iPad or a tablet. This would be best with the super- softs and mediums at a track like Monaco.

Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Great idea! I love it! Surely it wouldn't take long to add either.

Benny Ecclestone medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
i agree, this would be good for the league i run :)

Banana Boxx medal 5000 11 years 113 days ago
Thanks for the comments. It is my first suggestion too!