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Reputation Scaling

Should the reputation reset every how many months?

33.33% (7)
1 Month (Benefits for Managers in Rookies & Pro Tier)
28.57% (6)
2 Months (Benefit For Managers In Elite Tier)
38.1% (8)
3 Months (Benefits For Managers In Elite Tier)
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medal 5000
4 years 184 days ago (Last edited by Lai Yong Liang 4 years 184 days ago)
It's ridiculous to see many rookies managers are having 5500++ reputation, but look at my league, JJ is a Lv.19 managers racing in elite tier who has maxed his Design & Tech HQs but he always finished behind us 20 to 30 secs++, and his reputation (5387) is even lower than some of the rookies managers who just joined the game. It's impossible to see rookies managers are having higher reputation than elite managers, the devs team seems like trying to make the game worse and worse as they can day by day, make the world more unfair and unfair and crossed our imagination.

I think the reputation should be reset every 2, or 3 months instead of 1 month, because you can't even reach 8000 rep then your reputation has already reset as the almost same as rookies managers, all your hard works have been blew off immediately. Current 1 Month Reset system has made even managers in rookies tier also can reach top 100 in nation standing, managers in pro tier also can reach top 300 in world standing, the gap of reputation between rookies and elites has became smaller & smaller (take example in strong league, ex: German Elite League).
medal 5000
4 years 184 days ago
The whole calculation should be scaled up so reset every month is no problem.
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 183 days ago
In my opinion, the whole idea of resetting every month is applied exactly to scale everybody down to lower reputation numbers. So a competitive Rookie or Pro tier have same possibilities as Elite tier.

In fact, this new score system should also stop the need of rushing to Elite tier in order to achieve more renown.
medal 5000
4 years 183 days ago
In my opinion, the whole idea of resetting every month is applied exactly to scale everybody down to lower reputation numbers. So a competitive Rookie or Pro tier have same possibilities as Elite tier.

In fact, this new score system should also stop the need of rushing to Elite tier in order to achieve more renown.


competitive Rookie or Pro tier have same possibilities as Elite tier.
I saw a rookies manager who is racing in an uncompetitive league with only him active, and he got 5500 reputation, having higher reputation than lots of managers in elite tier. This is not related to competitive or not competitive league, because current system giving reputation just based on finished position, nothing else.
medal 5302
4 years 183 days ago (Last edited by Bastian Ba 4 years 183 days ago)
The Reset would not be a Problem as long as the strenght of the league would be considered in the calculation....
At the Moment it is prefering weaker managers, a rookie or a pro should gain less points.. 
A Manager in an inactive league should gain less points,
I watched a race of the 3rd in the hall of Fame, HE was racing against himself, noone except of him online...
A Manager dominating a weak league should gain less points, than one finishing in the points in a Top league...

Then the Reset would not be a Problem.
medal 5000
4 years 183 days ago
they call it the "hall of fame" because calling it the "hall of incapable but more playing characters" seemed ugly
medal 5000
4 years 183 days ago (Last edited by Lai Yong Liang 4 years 183 days ago)
The Reset would not be a Problem as long as the strenght of the league would be considered in the calculation....
At the Moment it is prefering weaker managers, a rookie or a pro should gain less points.. 
A Manager in an inactive league should gain less points,
I watched a race of the 3rd in the hall of Fame, HE was racing against himself, noone except of him online...
A Manager dominating a weak league should gain less points, than one finishing in the points in a Top league...

Then the Reset would not be a Problem.

At the Moment it is prefering weaker managers, a rookie or a pro should gain less points.. 

Answer: Currently weaker managers in elite tier would gain less reputation than a rookie managers who just joined the game, it's hilarious to see that but just leave aside those weaker managers in elite tier because most of them didn't read advance guide around the forum. Majority managers in elite tier are still gaining more reputation than managers in rookies and pro tier. The reputation reset every month has made elite tier managers reputation & hardworks quickly disappear and dropped to almost as same as managers in rookies & pro tier managers. The purpose of suggesting reset every 2, or 3 months is to let the reputation gap between rookies & pro tier & elite tier won't get closer so much after resetting. Elite managers will have more time to gain reputation and build & longer their gap between rookies & pro tiers managers.
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