John Doe medal 5000 4 years 214 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 4 years 213 days ago)
Hello Matt
League Settings :
- Promotions and relegations (active immediately)
Postpone one or more races (Option Select a Race to Postpone)
Note : This option is irreversible and must be done 24h before the championship race.
- Duration of the Race
- Speed/Percentage of race
- Postpone a race
- Running Days
- Running Time
- Season break
Weekend pause Days (For this option, to make the break days active if desired, the league host must remember to set the days when creating the league, such as the start date of the season. Once the confirmation button is clicked, you will not be able to postpone the break days, you will have to wait until the start of the new season to make the break days active).
Note : For these options it takes 24 hours to become active.