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9000 reputation achievment

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medal 5000
4 years 168 days ago (Last edited by White Noise 4 years 168 days ago)
This achievement needs to me removed from the game as it is now impossible to reach 9000 reputation as shown by others in other threads.
medal 5000
4 years 166 days ago
Can you explain why it's impossible, I haven't seen these other threads you are talking about
medal 5603
4 years 166 days ago
Look at the hall Fame...
The Reputation points above 5000 are reseted every month so 50% of them are reduced, soon everyone starts the month close to 5000. In a Top month you can gain 1500-2000 points.
8000 points will be unachievable, soon, too.
medal 5000
4 years 166 days ago

Look at the hall Fame...
The Reputation points above 5000 are reseted every month so 50% of them are reduced, soon everyone starts the month close to 5000. In a Top month you can gain 1500-2000 points.
8000 points will be unachievable, soon, too.

This should explain Banter.

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