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Game Error

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medal 5000
11 years 42 days ago
During the race this evening a "glich" or error occurred.

The European GP was scheaduled for 28 laps and the system ran an additional lap making that 29 costing myself to run out of fuel lossing 3rd place over all within the race...Not sure what assistance can now be provieded.

medal 5000
11 years 41 days ago
Brian, As far as I can tell, the race ran for 28 laps.

Indeed, the results show that you ran out of fuel on lap 27 & that the leaders completed only 28 laps.
medal 5000
11 years 41 days ago
The race doesn't end when the lap count reaches 28/28, you still need to complete the 28th lap.
Maybe that caused some confusion.
medal 5000
11 years 41 days ago
Nope total under stand the F1 laping system.

But when you watched the race in real we ran lap 28 twice.   I am not sure if a race replay is avaiable or the chat from last night is either but this was a topic of dissucsion.

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