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Non Subscribers Tyre Temps

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medal 5000
11 years 33 days ago
As a subscriber to iGP the way I currently see it, the only people who know what their tyres temps are doing are those managers who subscribe and watch their race live and can therefor adjust push levels in race.
Non subscribers can't see tyre temps at all and can't adjust push levels in race but need to set push levels prior to the race to account for them, consequently they may ruin their races due to overheating if they get it wrong.

I understand that this is an advantage of being a subscriber, but also feel that as a non subscriber who constantly falls behind competitiors in races without understaanding why, could lead you to not investing in a subscription and leaving iGP.

My suggestion is, would it be possible to add tyre temp information to the race debrief page, along with tyre wear and fuel consumption. This would id subscribers to manage tyres more effectively, but also provide non subscribers with better information for them to set up their push levels prior to the race 
medal 5000
11 years 33 days ago
If you use the Live Timing + Control screen when viewng the race, you can see your tyre temps by clicking on your driver and control the temps using the buttons in the bottom corner ;)
medal 5000
11 years 33 days ago
Yeh, I have not subscribed ,although I plan too in the future, and I can see and adjust Tyre Temperature. The main issue we have is KERS, If we could see the 2d, it would be easier for us too know when too activate our KERS but I think that this is fair enough, those who pay deserve extra. :)
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