Crignon Nicolas medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
i\'m manager of FFSCA league (french league) and i suggest to add function.
In first time, add the last date connected of player in the grid of \"Activity\"
With this data, we can see the the ghost player.
In second time, add an massive pm to league player and to rookies champ player, pro champ player, elite champ player.
With this we can send a pm for information. (only for the manager league)
Thanks a lot and great job ;)

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 13 years 75 days ago
You can already see the activity of players if you host the league by going to Manager > My Leagues, clicking \'Manage\' next to the league you want to check, and then selecting the \'Activity\' tab. This shows the last time they raced, and when they joined the league.
As for mass PM, the comments section was intended for things like that. But a PM might make more sense.

Crignon Nicolas medal 5000 13 years 75 days ago
Yes for the PM because the commentary is not necessarily read
For the ghost players, if they have a driver(s), they run in race, but they did can not be connected for one month ...
So the last connected date is interresting