Luke Collings medal 5000 4 years 175 days ago
Our active Rookies have dried up. We had about 13 but at least nine where totally inactive. We now only have four as they were never logging in and needed to be removed. Our league is extremely active towards the top and we rely on training new Rookies up to keep the league healthy. Is there anything we or the game developers can do to improve matters? Kind regards and many thanks. Luke Collings

Matt Surridge medal 5000 4 years 174 days ago
Hi Luke,
Can only speak for our league however we were in a similar position a few seasons back and we now have a totally full league. As you have so few teams in rookie it doesn’t show up on the league search as it only shows the leagues with the most teams, thus new joiners won’t see your league and likely join another. Ways to combat this:
1) Get all your active teams to make a second/or third team and join rookie leaving a few spaces. As new legit teams join remove the filler teams. I run a 1 team league and like to have 28-29 teams in rookie to make sure it shows up.
2) check the rookies teams to make sure they are active, if they are inactive from the point of joining after 2-3 days likely they won’t come back so boot them early as they just block spaces for actual active teams.
3) see if there are any other leagues in your position at similar times to see if the leagues can merge, our league did this and gained about 10 really active teams in pro and elite.
4) post adverts on forum promoting leagues
These like I say are what our league did and it’s currently probably one of the fullest leagues in the game. Hopefully this helps. If not just come and join my league ?