Antonio Silva medal 5000 4 years 131 days ago
I have experienced some races in my league and I really become frustrated by this.
How is it possible that offline players can win races and get so competitive that even being online is useless against them?
If we want the game to be more exciting then there must have some serious changes in cars performance when they are offline.
That's my opinion but maybe I'm wrong... Otherwise what the point of being online if you don't get a chance against offline players.?
What do you think about this?
Thanks for your reply
Timothy Barry medal 5468 4 years 130 days ago
I see what you are saying, but disagree with it in part and this is also being done in part as well imo. Let me explain my point.
There are two types of "inactive" managers in the races.
The first type are those who are able to get on the game once a day and do practice and a setup, but are not able to get onto the race due to various reasons. I have to do things this way due to certain work constraints, for example.
The second type are the long term inactive managers who just don't play the game anymore. Those are the teams that eventually just drop like stones to the bottom positions of the rookie tier, eventually to be (potentially) 'booted' by the league host.
My argument here is that you would be penalising competitive, active, managers whom cannot get onto the race for various reasons, such as work constraints and that would be unfair in comparison with managers who do not play the game at all anymore.