Tan Chong Jian medal 5000 4 years 118 days ago (Last edited by
Tan Chong Jian 4 years 118 days ago)
I’m assuming Jose’s team is sponsored by Huawei....
I'm not from China sorry. I'm not sponsored by Huawei. I'm actually sponsored by Tourism Malaysia(joking). I don't really like China too.
Windmills is actually good on providing energy but now it's not the right timing to discuss this especially COVID-19 is spreading among the European countries.
Netherlands has the most windmills, however the amount cases of COVID-19 at there is one of the highest in the world especially death rate. It showed how powerful the windmills spreading COVID-19 through the air is.
Which do you guys prefer? Either your health, or creating thousand of jobs to stimulate the economy? Most of the times I don't agree with Jose but this time I need to support Jose's opinion. He is a Spanish, surely he knows how horrible the COVID-19 is when it was spreading in his country.
C'mon, let's fight against COVID-19. Don't bother with economy anymore because most of you guys are born in rich Western countries, economy shouldn't become a big problem for yours.