Wake Awake medal 5000 4 years 169 days ago
Hi All,
I'm assuming that we've lost "Team History" as I can't seem to find it anywhere? Can anyone confirm if this is coming back or if it never left, where I would be able to find it now?

Banter Blizzard medal 5000 4 years 169 days ago
It's not gone. To get to it you have to this: press the new button on the top right (the one with your profile picture on it) then press on your profile picture once the small tab is open, after that go on your stats tab and finally just underneath the stats tab you will find a button that says full race history. If you tap on that you will find your team race history.

Wake Awake medal 5000 4 years 169 days ago
It's back now. Thanks for that info though. Didn't know that.