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Safety Car and Accidents

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medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago
Hello creators of IGP!

How are you?

The IGP is an amazing game, with simple and fun gameplay.

However, there is one thing missing in the game, which in Formula 1 is essential, which is chance.

I know that it is not a simple task to make this kind of change so that it becomes fair and does not harm more developed managers. But we have to think about a game for everyone.

For this reason I would like to suggest the implementation of accidents and Safety Car in the game.

I know that the Virtual Safety Car already exists, but it adds very little in the game.

It just slows down all the cars.

My suggestion is to associate the development of the driver and the car with the percentage of chance of causing an accident, riding on the track (mainly in the rain). There are also accidents that cause the wing of the car to break and force a stop at the Pit.

Cars that break down due to lack of maintenance can also cause a Safety Car.

It doesn't have to be something that happens in every race, but it does happen from time to time.

I believe it is something feasible to think about and implement, thus giving the opportunity for a smaller team to sometimes win a race or score, to fight against relegation.

I await the answer!

Big hug!
medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago
This will be interesting as usual!!
medal 5088
4 years 125 days ago
I agreed whit Pedro 

This game need to be more realistic like 3D

And it is what Pedro says are missing 
For extended time and races 

On my opinion 
medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago
Had it, Hated it, Scrapped it. End of story, sorry ?
Every day a thread like this comes up and is rejected by the community...
medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago

Had it, Hated it, Scrapped it. End of story, sorry ?
Every day a thread like this comes up and is rejected by the community...

I understand your position and respect.
However, from the votes I saw, it is a very divided subject.
I think it would be a good idea.
Even if it is optional in the league settings.
having the option to turn it on and off!

medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago
I have a better idea:
Automatically block threads with the words “Safety car”, “accidents” and “chance/luck”
medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago

I have a better idea:
Automatically block threads with the words “Safety car”, “accidents” and “chance/luck”

Just create a topic with this suggestion.
Good luck with that!

medal 5302
4 years 125 days ago
The 13243th thread about accidents and the safety car....
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 125 days ago
Spoiler alert!

A leaked screen shot of the long awaited October update... (joke)
medal 5000
4 years 125 days ago
And new player:
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