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Upgrade the offices ???

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medal 5000
10 years 358 days ago
it will be good or excellent maybe if you put bigger offices that can get to 300 staff or higher that will be better for design and commerce. Like me i only have 2 extra men in commerce because i have 72 designers and 48 mechanics and 68 engineers so i have nothing left for commerce. what do you think ?
medal 5000
10 years 358 days ago
If you are manging your sponsors appropriately, you won't need to use the commerce facility & can therefore direct your staff to more important things
medal 5000
10 years 358 days ago
Also, isn't the point of a manager game to 'manage' the staff you have and not necessarily be able to max out every area?
medal 5000
10 years 358 days ago
Andrew i am rich my sponsors are good i have 345 million dollars but expanding will be good for design 
medal 5088
10 years 119 days ago (edited 10 years 119 days ago)
I am certainly in favor of larger offices. 

If F1 teams can have this many employed in 2014, we ought to as well.


If it doesn't seem ideal to add larger offices by themselves, perhaps larger offices can be combined with engineers and mechanics and designers and marketers getting paid per race. This would add to the challenge of having more employees. Currently, as it is, engineers, mechanics, marketers, and designers are not paid per race, only their heads of staff are. This would require a closer eye on the money in the bank.
medal 5000
10 years 118 days ago
Blunion is 100% right I agree with you 
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