Jonny Mac medal 5000 4 years 150 days ago
Hi. I recently had another racer tell me my lap times were good and I almost beat another racer. The guy was from pro in my league. I am from elite. He said he didn't know he could watch the race I was in so how did he see my lap times since I cannot see his?thank you!

Connor Cooper medal 5456 Super Mod 4 years 150 days ago
On the tablet and web version of iGP Manager, you can see the lap times of other races, even if they are in a different tier. However, you can't see the fuel and tyre use of the other racer; only their lap times and position on each lap.

Jonny Mac medal 5000 4 years 150 days ago
Wow that's was a fast response..thanks.

Connor Cooper medal 5456 Super Mod 4 years 150 days ago
You're welcome. I'll mark this thread as solved.