I kind of disagree.
If you don't spend at the start of the season, you will lose out to the other competitors a couple of races. Assuming the league is competitive, if you save too much, you might lose way too much points to recover at the end of the season and will still miss out on the championship win.
I rewrite the thought because maybe there is a bug that deletes my messages. keeping 20/40 points does not make you lose much in terms of performance at the start of the race even in competitive leagues. bringing development to 200 was a big mistake (I'm not just saying that) because has halved the value of every single point. it would have been better (as suggested by many experienced managers and not just me) to halve the reset at the beginning of the season. do this strategy anyway it is very dangerous and only a few (I don't) know how to make the most of it. starting from fewer points would have given much more importance to car development as points do not follow an increase in value linear but the value of each single point decreases in relation to the points it has.example .... if I have 20 in fuel I consume 3 liters per revolution if I take the fe to 30 I consume 2.8 liters per round but if from 30 I take it to 40 I will not consume 2.6 but 2.7 this is because the influence of each single point decreased with the increase of the characteristic (purely invented numbers).i don't know if i was able to explain with my english .
PS the suggestion remains to clear the cache not the posts thanks