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Headquarters Upgrade reduce?

Should headquarters upgrade times be reduced?

19.23% (5)
It should be reduced!
69.23% (18)
Its fine/perfect.
11.54% (3)
It should be more time.
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medal 5000
4 years 110 days ago
Should the time for upgrading headquarters be reduced or is it alright?? Comment what you think. I personally think its way too long but I may just be impatient.

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5000
4 years 109 days ago
I think the time is right, the leveling up later will get harder and you will have more time to fix the headquarters, and then you can always reduce the time by buying tokens and supporting the game. ?
medal 5000
4 years 109 days ago
I think the time is right, the leveling up later will get harder and you will have more time to fix the headquarters, and then you can always reduce the time by buying tokens and supporting the game. ?
medal 5000
4 years 109 days ago (Last edited by Brillo DDom 4 years 109 days ago)
I think the time is right, the leveling up later will get harder and you will have more time to fix the headquarters, and then you can always reduce the time by buying tokens and supporting the game. ?

I think the development time should coincide with the manager's level.  this should increase as the level increases.  in this way it would partially avoid the problem of ballast in pro and in addition the high levels could spend tokens to speed up production.
medal 5000
4 years 109 days ago

I think the time is right, the leveling up later will get harder and you will have more time to fix the headquarters, and then you can always reduce the time by buying tokens and supporting the game. ?

I think the development time should coincide with the manager's level.  this should increase as the level increases.  in this way it would partially avoid the problem of ballast in pro and in addition the high levels could spend tokens to speed up production.

I don’t think it should increase with manager level. You have to make choices in building, prioritize as this is a management game.
medal 5000
4 years 103 days ago


I think the time is right, the leveling up later will get harder and you will have more time to fix the headquarters, and then you can always reduce the time by buying tokens and supporting the game. ?

I think the development time should coincide with the manager's level.  this should increase as the level increases.  in this way it would partially avoid the problem of ballast in pro and in addition the high levels could spend tokens to speed up production.

I don’t think it should increase with manager level. You have to make choices in building, prioritize as this is a management game.

I made 2 accounts, and on my 2nd account I would level up faster than 1 building upgrade would take, so by the time it was done I was like 3 levels behind on HQ compared to level. And when you're leveling up that early on you don't have the tokens available to be speeding up upgrades 
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