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Rivalry and race objectives

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medal 5000
4 years 84 days ago
In motorsport, Rivalry between Teams or drivers is part of the game.

What would you think to introduce a Rivalry option inside our Championships and link it to race objectives based on sponsors ?

Instead of having always the same "finish the race in x position" it could be fun to add some new objectives such as :

"Beat your rival by 2 positions"

"Beat team X with at least 1 driver"

"Win this race 2 sec in front of X"

To be fair, your rival should be next to you in the previous league table to avoid strong team vs weak team.
medal 5000
4 years 83 days ago

In motorsport, Rivalry between Teams or drivers is part of the game.

What would you think to introduce a Rivalry option inside our Championships and link it to race objectives based on sponsors ?

Instead of having always the same "finish the race in x position" it could be fun to add some new objectives such as :

"Beat your rival by 2 positions"

"Beat team X with at least 1 driver"

"Win this race 2 sec in front of X"

To be fair, your rival should be next to you in the previous league table to avoid strong team vs weak team.

You just want to be my rival, don't you? ??

Good idea though 
medal 5000
4 years 82 days ago
Yep mate ?
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