John Jones medal 5261 4 years 68 days ago (Last edited by
John Jones 4 years 68 days ago)
What determines a driver's salary?
Driver level or Experience?
And what is the cheapest way to pay a driver?
multiple short term contracts (signing just before the end of contract) or signing a long term contract (extending to some 100 races)?
Ovih Sapiens medal 5071 SUPPORT AGENT 4 years 67 days ago
Hi John,
Driver's salary is determined by their levels. When they increase their levels, they becoming more expensive.
The cheapest way to pay a driver is getting one from your Young Academy. Why? Because they earn less money that if you buy one from the market. Anyway, they earn much more money if you renew their contracts. They can't be renew for more than 50 races (so you can't extend a contract for 100 races).
Greetings! :-)
John Jones medal 5261 4 years 67 days ago
thanks for the info Ovih.
Cheers ?