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Race results not consistent with race

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medal 5000
10 years 325 days ago
In my last race--I watched and participated in the 2D mode.  I was able to see that my original fuel and tire strategy was not ideal--and make several changes in-game, regarding my pit stops.  I modified the amount of fuel taken and types of tires used.  In the end, I managed a 4th place finish in the race.

However when I got back to the home screen and checked the results--my in-game changes were not reflected and my original strategy was listed in the breakdown.  

The end result was a disappointing 9th place finish.  

Why did the game change my position and incorrectly display my in-game strategy?
medal 5000
10 years 325 days ago
Jeff, I have looked at the race you refer to & cannot find anything wrong with it.

It shows you qualifying 2nd & then running in the lead for a while, you pitted twice & finished 9th. There is nothing there to suggest that you finished anywhere other than 9th.

You race again on Wednesday, let me know how that goes.

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