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Daily Armadillo Facts

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medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 99 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 4 years 99 days ago)
•Did you know that the word 'armadillo" means "Little armoured ones" in Spanish. 

• Giant madillos sleep for 18 hours a day and can live for up to 15 years, which means that on average (excluding leap years) a Giant Armadillo sleeps for 98,550 hours (11.25 years) in it's lifetime. 

Come back soon for more armadillo related matierial. 

medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 99 days ago
I like it!  Here you have a nice t-shirt image :)

medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 99 days ago
Stick a tiny iGP Manager logo somewhere and we can start selling it as a new merch item. 

To @headofmerchandise for iGP Manager Would this be possible? 
medal 5000
4 years 99 days ago
Do you think an Armadillo is better than windmills or turbines, mates ?
medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 99 days ago
Yes, of course. All windmills do it spin around all day*. Armadillos do lots of other things... such as roll... and sleep (a lot)

However, if you have both at the same time, you could have an arma-mill-o. 

* Here come the angry windmill fans, coming to argue their case *
medal 5000
4 years 99 days ago
Sounds very nice Connor !

I have to say it's also cheaper and smaller than big windmills or turbines. Every human being can afford a cute armadillo.
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
4 years 99 days ago
Let's go Armadillo Family!! 

Gustavo, please... I want 7 t-shirts... One for each day! I like it!

Greetings! :-)
medal 5869
4 years 98 days ago

Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside!

Groan it up peeps...
medal 4937
4 years 98 days ago
Armadillo is vice president, Windmill is president. First VP of colour :)
medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 98 days ago
Armadillo is vice president, Windmill is president. First VP of colour :)

Debatable.  How can you have a President that can't walk, eat, or quite frankly, isn't living? ?

medal 6075
4 years 98 days ago
it spins to talk, rotated to walk and has a soul ?
medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 98 days ago
it spins to talk, rotated to walk and has a soul ?

Yeah, but... is there 20 different varieties of windmill?

There's 20 different species of armadillo worldwide. 
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 98 days ago
Yeah, but... is there 20 different varieties of windmill?

hmmm... I would actually accept that challenge if I had time.
medal 5000
4 years 98 days ago
An untold legend says that one day the Holy Armadillo will come and destroy every windmills on earth to stop their almighty supremacy.

This day will be known as the Arma-geddon.

In him we trust.
medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 97 days ago
Armadillo fact of the day:

Armadillo shells are bulletproof to low penetration rounds.  

In fact, a Texan once managed to injure himself after a bullet ricocheted off an armadillo and hit him in the head.  
medal 5000
4 years 97 days ago

Armadillo fact of the day:

Armadillo shells are bulletproof to low penetration rounds.  

In fact, a Texan once managed to injure himself after a bullet ricocheted off an armadillo and hit him in the head.  

medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
4 years 97 days ago

Armadillo fact of the day:

Armadillo shells are bulletproof to low penetration rounds.  

In fact, a Texan once managed to injure himself after a bullet ricocheted off an armadillo and hit him in the head.  

How interesting! ?
medal 5444 Super Mod
4 years 96 days ago
Fact of the day:

Armadillos have between 1-15 babies.
The Nine-banded armadillo always gives birth to 4 identical quadruplets. They are produced from a single egg which splits in four, meaning the babies will all be the same gender.
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