Dan Frampton medal 5000 4 years 89 days ago
I'm after some advice, the amount of research points i gain per race is massively lower than others but td,dr, an cd all have 19 talent and the driver has 20, all of my hq buildings are maxed

Connor Cooper medal 5442 Super Mod 4 years 89 days ago
The research that you get after each race is based on the amount of stars both your active CD and active TD have.
Furthermore, the more areas you research, the lower the percentage gained will be per area.
For staff, their talent, experience and morale have little to no impact on their performance. Only the staff level has a considerable impact on their performances.

Dan Frampton medal 5000 4 years 89 days ago
Hi, I'm only researching 1 area at a time, so 3 have maximum stars but so Sean to get much lower results than other teams

Connor Cooper medal 5442 Super Mod 4 years 89 days ago
Having a 5* TD and a 5* CD should warrant 40% research at level 20 (when researching one area)
Getting lower results that othee teams in races may not only be down to research, but also strategy, push level and boost Management etc.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 4 years 89 days ago
In addition to what Connor says.
Your team level makes a difference. With 5 star CD and TD at level 20 your maximum research power is only 40%. A L19 team will get 44%, L18 46%.... L14 59% etc.
So the fact your research design point yield is lower than others might just be because they are lower level than you and therefore have a higher research strength.
Also, your CD strength and weakness influences research. If you research your CD weakness attribute (in your case Handling) you will only get about half of the design points that your research power suggests. Researching strength gives you a bonus of approximately +10%

Connor Cooper medal 5442 Super Mod 4 years 88 days ago
You're welcome.
I've marked this thread as solved.